al-Saḫāwī Project | サハーウィー プロジェクト

How To Use?

Step 1


Type in or copy/paste a name into the search window to search for matches.

Step 2


Matches will be shown in as a list of results. Each match begins with the unique ID; you can click on the link at the end of the match to check the complete biography. Every time you click on the search button a unique ID will be generated: you should use these IDs if you need to assign one to a new person that you identified.

Step 3


You can always check a complete biography for more details.


The current data is generated automatically from a version of al-Saḫāwī’s al-Ḍawʾ al-lāmiʿ, which is available in OpenITI (repository 0925AH: 0902Sakhawi.DawLamic.JK003608-ara1.mARkdownSimple).

al-Saḫāwī Project | サハーウィー プロジェクト Developed by Masoumeh Seydi, ULeipzig & Maxim Romanov, UWien